Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lemons Bad For Rabbits

22/11 # 472 OF THE


High ESP is a quality with which certain people are born to them allows capacity to predict the future, connect with the emotions of others, see parallel worlds and interact with them, see or communicate with people who have died, have insight, to receive messages from higher beings, move objects and a wide range of capabilities.

What many do not realize is what it means for people to live with these talents. While this can be very helpful, especially when you have a mastery of the skill, the reality is that people are subjected to a lot of energy by metabolizing energy centers (chakras) in people generating altered states of continuous physical level awareness and may even produce somatoforms.

The psychological aspect, the lack of understanding or management, the environment where the person grows and its acceptance will strictly moderate their behavior toward these talents creating multiple conflicts and behavioral problems, fears, rejection of the spiritual, environmental isolation, failure to thrive in other aspects of life, suffering and emotional pain, mental and physical.

living together for a long time with these capabilities in the person generates a total rejection of his spiritual condition, God, other people and finally a temporary or permanent denial of a lock as well as recognition possibility of developing in the body that create diseases and ailments of various natures and intensities.

The reasons why many people have these talents are still unknown but many manage to transcend the era in which birth and create things that are changing the world.

Despite all the information explosion today, yet it is difficult for these people to find places where they can feel fully integrated and accepted without having to hide their abilities.

am a person who was born with this condition, I have lived much internal suffering over thirty years. This reason led me to get an idea about God and religion in a very practical aspect and the other with little or no conviction. Although in the past twelve years has dramatically improved my attitude toward my powers, these remain a serious cause disturbance.

The main reason for the work I do today is the determination to find answers to my shocks. Parallel to find, I have also helped other people in my condition to improve their acceptance towards integrating themselves into society and the environments in which they were born, which took me twenty years.

I give this information to people who are around people with these powers can understand. We tend to be taciturn, we isolate ourselves from time by a strong need for solitude and silence. Contemplation is one of our greatest pleasures making large and excellent observers. We can experience extreme changes in behavior as the vibrations that we are connecting and are very sensitive to what happens around us. It can be difficult to understand the vision we have of things, creating conflicts of communication with people around us. Although there are times where we have more disruption this is moderated by that we use our capabilities. Each person is different but in general disturbances characterize them all.

I tell people this happens they are not alone, there are many people who are in this condition and that soon we will know exactly the main reason for the condition with which we were born.

In future times we will feel like a fish in water while those who never lived with this condition have difficulty managing the level of energy that exist.

I want to thank the people who are close to me to tolerate.

HOROSCOPE # 472 THE 22/11 TO 28/11/2010


not accept stagnation reality. Continuous game where you repeat the same situation. Although there have been difficulties in the development of economic projects these will be resolved promptly and within the expectations you have. The family requires an analysis of their values.


decisions which radically affect your current situation. Unexpected trip you should do because it will bring fundamental changes in your life by opening new opportunities to other lands. Many internal pressure which represents the changes that are giving internally. Safety Tips for the future actions will determine which rules are implemented that will give your life what you need.


period where everything is continuously moving. touches you do a thorough analysis of the situations around you and interpersonal relations. Crash on startup that has not permitted you pass the first phase of the situations. Nuisance connection with person from whom you distances. Repeat the past.



short-term thinking. Several projects related to the professional. Assume a new status within an environment where there will be plenty of competition. Celebration in family entertainment.


Circumstances moving economic environment. Alliances and agreements that will be a benefit but also a source of conflict. Friendships need to set limits. Fixed terms and conditions in negotiations with precision. You stand out in a medium of communication.


Lack of concentration and dispersion. Emotions riots. Inconsistent communications. The lack of solidarity is a factor that will influence categorically in a relationship. Insecurity to act. Dimes and direct work environment.


You are locked in your own views. You question when taking action. Continually postponing a situation that will bring a change. Fear of the future is reflected in the circumstances you live. Changes in daily life.


situations are defined in the affected area. Approach Moving to another country that will not be realized immediately. Many things revolve around you and you'll be on the lips of many. Improve your physical appearance. Makeover. Rejuvenation. Mature in the professional aspects where you will be making several changes.


Reunion with people in the past. Then leave you in a situation where others do not take responsibility fully. Tangled domestic situations. Lack of support. Worried about current economic situation. Something at the last minute to postpone due to lack of consensus.


something that falls under its own weight. Leave behind the circumstances which have represented a limitation be afraid to release them though. Two roads where you must decide for one. Do not fear the future because this will be different. Start working in an area that is totally different.


legal decision where you will not be favored. You need to know how to stick to the circumstances and how they can succeed independently. Romantic matters are clarified. Children with difficulties in school.


Still flowing between expectations and why things do not materialize. Business group meeting where there was a proposal that will have high expectations but there is nothing in particular. Claim by a woman. Open new doors.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Long Does Herpes Live On Toothbrush

28/11/2010 HOROSCOPE # 471 from 15/11 to 21/11/2010 HOROSCOPE


Humanity is torn between fighting for individual interests and collective needs between the current regional characterized by a radical differentiation and the overall direction of society for human evolution.
Spiritual understanding is presented as a trend that integrates the individual from the condition of child, youth, adult, elderly, men, women, different roles they play and the environment where it interacts with the aim of claiming all the factors influencing health status and lead to the person to experience peace and better adapted to everyday life, enabling you to perform your responsibilities and challenges as an individual.

divided Traditional Medicine and Alternative Therapies Complementary Therapies are a number of different systems, practices, products and natural elements based on improving the health of body, mind and spirit through the search for the origin of diseases.
Complementary Medicine is one that is used in conjunction with conventional medicine and alternative therapies are the methods used as substitutes for some conventional health treatments.

comprise a wide spectrum of disciplines and schools of thought. Holistic is based on because it has a way of seeing things whole, whole, whole, in its complexity, allow to appreciate the interactions, characteristics and processes that would be due if observed separately.

From this perspective, we define health as a state of reasoning, interpretation, biological, social, singular and interdependent that involves a man with society, culture, politics, economics, history, environment, etc. with the purpose of providing a state of wellness and disease as part of the dynamics of life experience because it is the physical expression of the polarity that exists in humans, which manifests itself through physical symptoms, emotional, mental, social economic, relational, etc. So no we can separate the health of the disease.

The use of traditional medicine is diverse and its application dates back thousands of years. Currently there are methods that have proven effective in treating a wide range of ailments according to research done in various countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Canada and the United States.

Criticism of alternative medicine are many, because not all branches are adequately controlled and there are no accurate statistics that express how many experiments were controlled. It would need to have access to government health systems to collect these statistics required regulation.
In many countries, Traditional medicine has only achieved a degree of coexistence with conventional medicine from a well-established legal framework, which has allowed some level of integration into the formal health system.
In a study done between March and December 98 in order to know the status of the regulation of traditional medicine in nine countries of America and the Caribbean found that the regulation of traditional medicine is done by applying a body of law. The applications of these instruments showed poor accuracy due to the lack of capacity of public institutions to implement a control limiting the creation of a legal framework.
In Venezuela in 2001 through an opinion of the president, called for the establishment of a regulation. It created the National Commission on Complementary Therapies for advising the Ministry of Health and Social Development in the analysis, review, elaboration and implementation of a regulation, and regulation, supervision, teaching and research in this area but so far there has been more progress.

regulation of traditional medicine and complementary treatment options there is a complex process. First, because many therapists do not have training or recognized and standardized training, formal recognition requires defining more precise criteria, including aspects such as experience and evaluation of service users. The second is the broad spectrum of disciplines which means there is a difficulty to assess their technical implementation and effectiveness.

regulation can not be addressed under the assumption that health is an option only, but as a demand for techniques and systems that have been practiced for centuries.
is necessary to recognize the importance of regulation to control the exercise and training of professionals to ensure the quality of services rendered and which is incorporated into the Health Act to form part of the government health system, and allow these therapies are covered by health plans, to finance research projects on the topic and create at the School of Higher Education to study these disciplines.

Given this scenario, it becomes an urgent need for regular treatment options that are included within the formal health systems, focusing on a universal vision of who we are that we integrate from all aspects.

HOROSCOPE # 471 from 15/11 to 21/11/2010
Fight for control. You let yourself be carried away by temperament. Violent or decisions taken by force. Group that is kept isolated by conflict interpersonal. Setting boundaries in relationships. TAURUS

Small movements although there is some drawbacks that go driving. Approach to man that opens doors. Feel that handle situations and that something is handled for you. GEMINI

You put an end to a period of conflict. Approach then definitely stay away from a situation. Development of ideals that go according to your thinking. Lack of maturity to handle relationships. CANCER
things at home. Intimate moments with someone close. I want to move but yet nothing in particular. Seek peace within yourself to clarify thoughts and take a safe direction. LEO

shaky ground. It requires some thought the situation for further action. We call for greater commitment and your lack of security will not let you. Families that need your support. You lose something in your home. Distrust towards the couple. VIRGO

negotiations to bear fruit. More effort is required for several projects but of those who are with you. Do not assume other responsibilities. Let everyone express their views. 're Upset about the situation. LIBRA

Some things need more perseverance and consistency. Castles in the air. Something that falls under its own weight. Woman who requires dinero. Incongruencia en lo que te dicen y no crees porque son muchas excusas. Discusión fuerte que sirve para que las cosas se aclaren y cerrar un ciclo.
Solidez en lo que haces aunque no te ves muy seguro. Puedes sentir que caminas a ciegas pero es una fuerza superior quien te guía. Es importante que refuerces tu fe en ti mismo evitando pensamientos que te descalifican.
Momento de desarrollo porque al no ver oportunidades esto se convierte en tu verdadera oportunidad. Lamentas tener que dejar algo que te está produciendo un perjuicio. Sigue tu línea de dirección y verás cambios en tus actividades.
Lentitud en desarrollo de nuevos projects. Is weighted based on descriptions that are not accurate. Expectations are not realized. Take the lead and the others were waiting for you to. AQUARIUS

more mature in your actions. Vas closed cycles and open new options. Travel is not defined yet but to be concrete. Much effort and it's hard to get things done. Looking for a change but there is no correspondence in stock. PISCES

There is a synchronicity between you and what you are. Assume greater authority on proposals where you have the highest percentage. You must be objective in relationships and put aside old grudges if you decide to reactivate relationship.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How To Testjeep Relays


ALL times were better ....
Once, there are two people waiting in a clinic room to meet with a seer. It was late that day and the seeing was very exhausted. The two passed, which left them very astonished and said to them, continually do different things in my work and today I decided that although not known, I'll do an experiment with you. I'll do a consultation where I will say the same for both, as an experiment, I will not charge. Then you come in a year and tell me the truth of the facts that I am going to say.
He began his inquiry, without paying much attention to the beaming faces of the people, did a personality profile, described behaviors, then talked about possible events, starting as follows, more or less.
Within the next twelve months, their lives will be very blurred. Have a radical change in its activities initially will be traumatic, it will take to break relations have maintained for decades. Fall into a depression so strong that will make a dent in their private lives and end up breaking their relationship. After ten months will see light again and start a new life that is characterized by owning their destinations. Might even get lucky on the random and recover all lost at that time.
When he finished, the men are still stunned, they say, but as you say the same for both if we are different.
The seer just said, this is an experiment, so I can not tell you more thing, if you want to come back in a year. They left there confused and made no effort to meet, but everyone kept going.
Thus passed the first ten months, and actually both lived similar situations. He who had claimed, quickly succumbed to his fate, ended a relationship than twenty years, grabbed the alcohol, and after the year was to play a lottery to remember what he said the seer, and won, but ended up losing everything in alcohol.
The other, did not lose their jobs, the company for which they worked went bankrupt ten months decided to form a company and applied for credit, the company had absorbed a year customers had the other so that their growth was rapid . Not won any lottery.
the end of that year they were available in the office of the seer, and told them the events of that year. And deaths of curiosity asked what was the experiment.
The seer says: I was always amazed at my ability to predict and see people who do not know, as people usually do not tell me or does not return, the concern was really predict whether an event was an absolute status. And you have shown me that life is very curious, because it really puts you circumstances but each person decides how to experience them.
The most amazing man did not understand why the experiment, and this finally said, the day they came in a query I made to a person before you saw that in three years the world would end, although there are still two years now I have the certainty that everyone can contribute to the circumstances are different.
hope that the stories they like, as all, I tacking at the same time I start writing because I visualize in my mind, so I tell it myself at that time.
The moral of the story, what I can do to change the fate of what happens in the world and what you can do ...?


a week where everything starts moving very slowly. Resolve past differences and return to a space that bereavement. Others may be very emotionally stirred and put off things to do. Something that follows its natural course. TAURUS

probably are not very objective and you're now seeing things from a victim stance. Although this is a momentary period will generate a lot of uncertainty at the time to act. The positive is that you let your emotions aside and act. Past situations that are repeated. GEMINI

There is pressure by the media to participate in situations that you do not agree. But you may not see now but later convenience. In another aspect, the routine has become tedious and requires you to make a change in your thoughts to adapt them to your reality. Projected changes after December. CANCER

regarding regulatory reform or policy to do something. Think that this new mechanism will only lead to further delays in the process will agree. There are situations that take you deeper into your thoughts and want to seek a change but not very fast. LEO

Repeating patterns. Lack of concentration to do routine activities. You need to set guidelines and parameters in your life just for you. There claim would represent situations where it has been largely underestimated but you contribute. VIRGO

After a long process of maturation through experiences and decisions have reached the point where they implement a new vision that will show the changes gestated within. Development of ideas elsewhere. LIBRA

immediate changes on the fly. Unexpected situations. Broadcast media. Do not wait for an answer go look and if necessary, he insists. Enjoy your special day in resort. SCORPIO

You channel information for others. Succumb to external pressures. No need to believe what you see because you are at a point where you can set your own beliefs and experience them. SAGITTARIUS

much physical discomfort, but it seems that these somatizing situations that come dragging. There is an improvement in one aspect of your relationships. Think that everything will run its course and it is. Reconciliation with people who moved away a year ago. CAPRICORN

interesting proposal that changes the outlook about your activities. Amendments to documents at the last minute. It should establish guidelines before finalizing. Removal is delayed. AQUARIUS

You receive an award dedicated to your efforts. Mature project that has worked throughout this year. Come to light old legal disputes. Predominates Your impulsive nature when you make decisions and then retract. PISCES

acknowledge your actions and this will be the starting point for reconciliation. Spacing your circle of relationships. I made back in a signed contract. Development of circumstances related to legal issues.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Calculating Tax On Used Cars


under this title beginning this article. Recently while working partner relationships with a girl come to a conclusion, who's afraid to love, insecurity of wanting to live with someone.
Apparently not got no reason hampering their relationship. In the past I had two relationships which came to live partly in one and the other completely without making formal commitments.
The relations were good in his view, however, in his opinion, the love is gone in a very fast and in the other life projects did not match, but everything was amicable.
After taking six months working on the issue, looking at experiences in other lives, in their family system and established a consensus that that is going to therapy, take it to understand that it is concerned and what it would do to face it, this is something very special because it depends on the limits of each person that only provides the person, the therapist listens and questions without being involved in personal judgments.
In one session I can think to ask about basic things to live together, sharing the room, closet, bathroom, where to go on trips together, how to set priorities in favor of the relationship.
We were at the party spoke of the closet, just trying to recreate a situation, when she jumps up and says, "I need a big space for my things" I was thinking, and just continue giving examples of social situations, she returned to insisting "I have no desire of putting priorities other than mine "I started taking this into account, until he finally said" I do not think you have problems with love or be loved, is that I'm not sure I wanted to live with someone. "
And I said, Eureka, that's it. Simple. So I thought as I listened, and if all deep feel the same. Perhaps many do not conclude so fast but most of the problems that arise in relationships are in coexistence. Why is this
. I can say that principles are territorial, defending our space, in another aspect, I can also say that we are so attached to abandon the comfort can represent for many a panic depending where to look and finally, we have relationships based on where our parents or couples we know, spent a lifetime together, but being extremely unhappy.
might then, thinking resulting in a relationship where we will live with someone finally make us react in the depths of our being to fear of losing independence and the ground gained by us until then.
We have to take into account that both men and women have demolished old cliché schemes and what they should be or should do, then we see men and women raising children by working with heavy machinery.
Now the question would be, then why continue to insist to seek partners. It will be for the simple need for a safe sex, someone to share when you can or just stay tuned with me and I him.
I think the bottom line here is not why we partner but understand, as did my patient, what kind of relationship do we need and project that.
Cohabitation is a way of experiencing relationships, real relationships are based on consensus between two people, therefore it is they who will determine what kind of relationship they want to experience.