Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Footjob Movie Reviews


Merry Christmas home. I want to reiterate my thanks to those who have followed me during these nine years with the horoscope.
I do every year a new installment of what I see for the next period, but also again I have to say that the horoscope has a new perspective dynamics of transformation that we all live.
The intention of writing a horoscope is to express the active and experiential essence of life, giving little importance to the predictive aspect which in turn allows to raise awareness and enrich the experience.
We have had many problems with the rains, they have wreaked havoc in my country and also in Colombia. I write every week, twice, counting last week that gave the horoscope. The first city I moved and I was hard to write these days, the second there was no reason. I did not know writing, after years of writing weekly, I connected.
I decided to be quiet, observing, wondering what was wrong. Finally yesterday after many days watching I realized that nothing was happening in reality, was experiencing recurrent processes in me with the difference that finally assumed the new reality.
Within this reality is the shift in the modality that I have worked so far. It begins with the creation of self-healing technique but beyond that to create something, is to assign a power that you have been awarded for change, helping others, giving them the power to who actually has and is becoming one of us.
I can not ascribe the power of change, as something that belongs to me because then all you've written so far would be rhetorical, I have only the power to change my life and have taken responsibility to lead others to regain their power.
In this new context in which life is taking me, I announce that I will not do more therapy as such, I will make every person I look in your own therapist. How I've been working with others, give them the opportunity to join this new modality.
why I want to talk about emotions. Emotions are the driving force that shapes everything with which we interact, giving rise to a variety of situations around us, most unrecognizable by us.
In development process of the spiritual will is necessary to focus the desire and intention to transform the emotional strength and give you energy conscious use of emotion to change the levels of perception that ultimately leads to the construction of what we call our world.
In the spectrum of emotions, the vibrations reach discordant destructive influence in this area by increasing its density and weight. This causes beyond individual situations, collective situations that involves us all.
At the other end of the scale, the range of positive and constructive emotions, rise up to pure ecstasy and promotes smooth and crystal molecular formation that facilitates light to expand. Everything
played by the radiation of a thought turned emotionally benefits or damages as appropriate.
The transmutation of force and the elemental substance is linked to the emotional dynamics. The awakening of spiritual consciousness involves changing the structure ego transmuting atomic structure changes the proportion of light on the matter and positive emotions are a step in this direction because they cause an increase in the frequency of the dots within the substance and help produce a molecular change in this area.
What I recommend for this year
RedefĂ­nete, see the power within you to change your life, by identifying your mistakes and successes. Feel the energy, strength, love and passion that is generated within you, which lets you manage your daily life inside your polarities.
Live life as a multi-faceted reality that involves being in contact with the diversity, plurality, complexity and variability of what is presented. Keep
own vision of life giving a sense to it, beyond the everyday as the event is comprised of the consciences of people who experience it.
Recognize your needs within a context of individual, couple, family, organizational, social and values \u200b\u200bas a function of time, space, others, the information received, resources, alternatives, values, and standards to be able to satisfy.
Make your life experiences that will allow the laboratory redefinirte.


North America

continuous changes in policy, but may not be strong and fit as the dynamics. Slight changes in laws where the state takes a position of greater control over activities once ruled absolutely by the market. the situation in Mexico with drug trafficking will continue hitting the country and discover complications internal within the state in very high levels causing a public uproar.

Central America
Several countries suffer the ravages of nature. In other respects it creates or strengthens an organization that will provide answers to many situations in the region and making new agreements will encourage the development of major items.

South America
Abandonment of ideas for the past two years were in the fray. A radical change in the position of a chief state will be crucial in the agreements that were made in the past. Kind of temporal separation between countries that could be very allies to resolve internal situation of the other.

major criticisms are made to the European Union and several countries will be assessing the appropriateness of their participation within the community. Worsening crisis in a country that create an imbalance in the region mark the beginning of changes made in the agreements signed between member countries.

Countries Asia occupy
an important position in world markets. Others enter stages where they develop deep divisions. World Economy

be subject to additional factors than those that have influenced so far. Take decisive actions to address the market imbalance could arise where new alliances and the creation of a body which could be parallel to an existing one.

continue making their mark through which pass, marking its relentless power and bringing the man to retreat in seconds, had already conquered space. Created policies to deal with natural phenomena and gives greater importance to promoting conservation and environmental awareness. Natural disaster could occur in unexpected dimensions.

Technological Advances and health.
ingenious new inventions emerge. Develop ideas to amuse many activities. Agreements are created to promote technology development in other countries. Are discovered cures for existing diseases and develop new methodologies and techniques in surgical procedures that facilitate health and recovery of patients.

Humanity Humanity enters a period change in their vision of how man sees himself integrating different aspects surrounding it. New elements that give a conformation different from the reality as seen so far generated to take a peak spiritual approaches to a totally different consciousness.

Overall: Year marked by a review of what you've done so far. This will make small changes that would modify your routine. Disappointments that serve to break with the past.
Economy: It presents the possibility of playing with several items at once to achieve balance. There are things you miss by not having total control over them. You evaluate different possibilities at present. Labor
: There will be pressure on the work you do to fit requirements. Again return to a position that you left.
Love: Changes in the landscape to see now what you did not see before. Quick decision on the beginning of relationship. It can be seen as a defense mechanism.
Health: generally without major mishap. Susceptibility in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reproductive system.
Recommendations: Evaluate your attitudes.

TAURUS Overall:
Year of consolidation of the achievements so far. You will be recognized in an area in which you had a great dedication in recent years. Something that has taken the time finally comes to fruition. The family will take an important position at this time. Economy
: Everything will be subject to actions you take in the workplace. Break could form associations and other less formal. The rivalry will be fighting for something that will touch handle.
Education: After doing something shared with another or you did the same time, the road divides and leads you to make a decision. Many things go their own way and you the leaders. Proposal to assume anything.
Love: A person comes strongly to break your patterns and you out of the state of passivity that has had. Relationship that develops very quickly.
Recommendations: In your hands is the tool you need.

GEMINI General:
confrontations that will reflect your own inner conflicts. Could be very insecure and not knowing what to do at times and could get you to stop. It is a moment that means you do things you do from a different and seek a consensus within your circumstances.
Economy: Many things are subject to decisions of others and I have to wait. You do not want to follow the guidelines of others and prefer not to get those benefits. Stressful situation for money that never arrives.
Education: Indecision and uncertainty. 're At a point where you feel you have no control over the situation and doubts will be more difficult to face.
Love: You assume a commitment many distrust forced by circumstance did not expect, nor planned.
Health: vitality but you will supervise the circulatory system.
Recommendations: Search conciliatory elements in all circumstances where you are.

are presented mitigating a situation that has become chronic. Beginning the year you receive an unexpected and painful. Be the end of old conflicts. Unsuitable behaviors will lead you to regret later.
Economy: Something is thriving gradually. Looking for a partner but it will not be formal and will only participate in one aspect of a process. Many things informally channeled by the conditions in the same circumstances that have driven.
Education: Changing activity will be productive for you because from that opportunity even develop other channel can lead to something that you've tried time and decide to leave.
Love: Relationships in where you feel like a prisoner. Within this you'll have to give continually undermine your self-esteem relationships. A tear to change your patterns in relationships and takes you to start the healing process. Health
: emotions will be influenced by physical ailments somatize in without an accurate diagnosis of the situation. The area of \u200b\u200byour view will need more attention.
Recommendations: Establish clear guidelines and settings limits.

LEO: Your environment plays a fundamental aspect of your life. Assume a leadership with passion which overcome many struggles. There is success in a social activity. Will be the beginning of a new way for you to occupy your activities the next few years.
Economy: In the beginning the situations will be enforced but your efforts will be the expiration of the difficulties you are presented. The older people find them in your trust by generating a kind of sanitation in your life. Labor
: You will make a great effort but will pay off and you'll see results not soon but in concrete. Will achieve a domain in ways that had not managed before. Your verbal expression will be the main factor that will move wherever you go.
Love: not something that will be on your priorities but there will be consolidation in this plane which will appear with the others. The family face a painful situation that will help overcome group.
Health: Your vitality will surprise many because they seem to not rest and always charge the batteries installed. Take care of accidents.
Recommendations: Avoid impulsiveness and opinions heard before.

Overall: Year of much emotional learning in the field. Although you tend to drive very well your repressed emotions, these seem to be in a state of overflow because your susceptibility will take you to break down barriers and get out of your schemes many times even after you return to them. Will loose manners that for decades have limited many of your actions.
Economy: The limitations can be seen as setbacks and then will face the real constraint to discover that it is an opportunity to break something that is repeated. Profitability will see it in the form as an administrator. Labor
: Someone who will make the difficult and even life is temporary because they change, you'll be so injured before it can decide to resign.
Love: You'll be on the fence. One is known to you the other well but not near. You get to choose. Health
: No major setbacks. Do change in the daily diet.
Recommendations: You are isolated in a world you created. You will have the opportunity to get outdoors and experience it.

changes on the fly. Many things you do now changing dynamics driven by circumstances. We will create a state of stress, but learn to manage the surprise factor. Many things are moving but you may not see the concern and expectations you have for them.
Economy: will be disappointed to experience a betrayal by someone. To bury you'll recover quickly from this experience there is an improvement of everything. Deficit grows not out of debt you have.
Labor: Evidence overcome. You will have significant support from authority figure who hurts you with those in other positions. They put forward a strategy that will begin at the beginning of this year.
Love: A close relationship one cycle to another will be the beginning of a new stage in the same relationship after overcoming many ups and downs. Acquire something in common.
Health: Could find out health problems that will take you to change their view of life now have. You'll find a partial solution through alternative method.
Recommendations: Follow your instincts.

Overall: There is a major economic change that is presented by the new situations that were opened later this year. Your search will focus on inner development and implementation in higher planes. Harmony regard it was karmic. Availest you a gift.
Economy: Breaking with the past and old structures that not only you but dragged the family in general. A family is successful in a company. Home of experience in an area that strengthens you as an entrepreneur. Labor
: Use your talent in support of achieving what you're looking for. Something that has been postponed for too long begins to take shape although it will be for next year to occur. Advances in other lands.
Love: It crystallizes the ideal relationship you've looked at a person who does not meet the requirements previously expected. Reconciliation in another relationship that will to release the past.
Health: Harmony you resulting in a balance with the body.
Recommendations: You have the power to produce inexhaustible resources.

You give new forms to what is in your life as a need to find something different. Suffer a break in a situation that has been suffering for years but by the final separation will provide the basis to start things totally different from a change of vision in you.
Economy: sequence of things that will be profitable. Association group to carry out an idea in common. Warrant that everything goes as you expect. You do not have many expectations about how things will develop but there is an increase in your income.
Education: changes and restructuring. Offer overseas. Sacrifice some of your personal life for your career. Looking to give new impetus to one activity.
Love: finally meets a hard-fought sleep and you become a parent. The family plays a fundamental aspect in your life and be a part of many of your projects.
Health: Care food you consume. Trends in allergies.
Recommendations: assumes the responsibility that comes with your decisions.

Overall: There will be much confusion
event that occurs around you. Your intuitive ability rises and will produce change. You'll be immersed in other problems. Things go the same pace as always but could be tired of the routine.
Economy: Balance. Balance of things that were unbalanced. Profitable partnership. Subject to the time of something. Uncertainty about credit application but it is convenient.
Education: reach a consensus on where you will be celebrating the adoption of something important. In other circumstances which are harmed, the company assumes position in the market that will favor.
Love: You may illusions but castles in the air and then fall to the ground. They evade the situation you looking for leaks.
Health: plan to cosmetic surgery. Take control over the health situation of another person who was in the hands of someone close to you.
Recommendations: Look in other places but you get what you want. AQUARIUS

Overall: Lots of movement throughout the year. Things in your mind that will gradually checking the enforceability there they are made. Continually changing direction because they obey to adhere to reality.
Economy: maintain the same behavior except that you will make a bid in an area to see if it is profitable or not but how you will, from fear, will not generate many results.
Education: Continuing in that vein start this year and it's time to open yourself to spread out again without taking into account the views of others. A group will promote the creation of something that will benefit the collective.
Love: Doubts and mistrust you generate for your attitude. Lack of commitment to a relationship. You'll feel more tied to your circumstances but will not try to change them.
Health: It has a tendency to sleep disorder. Delays in obtaining a resource to make an operation.
Recommendations: There is a fine line between what you want and what separates you from it, that you are yourself. If you can decipher this enigma have everything you want. PISCES

Overall: Year that challenges your capacity for tolerance and to create new situations. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships will be the most timely issue that will have to manage and that will leave many heartaches and disappointments. We present new ways to involve close those that are driving.
Economy: Your vision will be critical that your situation has improved. Much depends on what you do now and especially how to do it. You have to assume responsibility on those who commission others having to face the consequences.
Business: Travel to new places posed by open other possibilities. Know someone who opens a new source of income but asking you to give him a support with the resources, something you have to look very closely because it has been a victim of the living.
Love: finally lose hope in a situation that leaves you hanging continuously. Although lose hope and drop is not something that will be linked to you, you have to live your depression until you've learned to value yourself.
Health: Something that exacerbates but also has been a lack of responsibility in having a control.
Recommendations: Take decisive actions.


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