Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why Do Legs Itch All Of A Sudden


Time is something that does not stop from cradle to grave. Sometimes it seems to happen very quickly, sometimes going very slow but the reality is that the days pass, weeks pass, the years pass and so on until it ends the life span and go and stops for that goes.

Despite all that, chances are in that period that lies between life and death. By the time anyone realizes ... it's time ...

We grow

determined by stereotypes and paradigms that often frustrate us and cause us to limit ourselves in the experiences that come to experience. Although this is not an absolute condition, until we realize we are stuck in patterns and false beliefs.

all have the potential to grow and renew. It is a decision staff open to change and get what we have. It is the responsibility of each person know why and what to do.

We are experiencing unusual moments. From my perception, this is a stage where the vibration is going to rise and creates the changes we see in all areas.

Now the question I ask is to where this takes us.

Well, I think to a real change of consciousness, this change involves taking a leadership consciousness of every person on the planet. Transformed into something not seen before to make changes in the planet.

Now what

I think the goal should be very simple, so simple that we do not see or do not understand. But I feel that this is a way inexorably all take now in this life or another.

would happen to those who did not become aware

I feel is not something that would happen, but it is happening. In my own personal experience, energy led me to become something they never expected and which fought most of the time I have lived. The acceptance has led to Therefore peace and quiet, a state of harmony and inner certainty regardless of what happens around me. Not all the time was well and I have to say it has been difficult because we still see it.

Now it is important to recognize that our body is breaking down more power than it has been breaking down since we were born, this can be considered abrupt and that after a decade has exponentiated energy.

So it is imperative that we change our eating habits, our thought patterns, our beliefs to facilitate this process of consciousness that takes can be avoided.


face our emotions for the most part have been suppressed because of our past experience and we carry mostly children. All this is now before us, suddenly, and can be very overwhelming to feel.

And that is what ultimately leads a person to seek support if you are looking for their life circumstances.

should we do

That is the question to be asked. In principle approaches us to challenge the mind to come out of their structures. Second face our emotions. This is something that can be addressed but in general we do because we have no choice. The nature of what we are always going to determine what we think and do. So finally I think that even now think about it, everyone will or living circumstances now or later lead him to face himself.

HOROSCOPE 21/03 # 486 OF AL27/03/11


Moment of too much introspection. You can find some difficulties to realize things you want but in reality representa el reto que en este momento estas enfrentando. Si lo ves desde esta perspectiva las cosas se facilitaran. En otro aspecto, existen en promedio tres situaciones que requieren que manejes con mucho tacto.


Congestionamiento mental que no te deja ver con claridad. Muchas circunstancias están en relación a lo que te propones ahora y serán definidas en la medida en que tu mente se aclare. Pasaras por un estado de rabia súbita que no corresponderá con lo que lo dispare pero si será un elemento catalizador de todo lo que estés viviendo.


We present a series of circumstances surrounding the professional look and work. This will be very controversial for you because you want to stay in comfort. Emotions can be a little confusing now but it will not be an obstacle to living all this emotional process. You do not have much faith in anything but the same situation you will give.


repressions not now, let everything take its natural rhythm. These days you will see and feel that things are blurred but it is in the way you see it. The weather could have you under pressure because the delays will not be clear. Almost medieval love story.


habits that keep you from breaking a routine, the positive is that you already noticed. Consider the option of seeking support if you can not. For the time being but will be there for long. Try to keep the project quiet until they appear.


something you bring from a year ago is nearing completion. It is likely that the results are not entirely as expected for you but one thing is certain is that this will not be an obstacle. Think carefully what you do in the sentimental aspect because although things are manageable are not satisfied.


This period will be of great agitation. You will have to decide quickly if you want things to be how you want. In this latter respect, things are not as expected and has to do with the energies of the moment. Many circumstances in the environment that will cause disturbance.


Many mental disturbance, are the energies of the moment. It is important that you learn to handle this because it will be commonplace. With great dilemmas about something you want to happen is that you feel you things cost.


Your heart is felt. Suppressed emotions that need to be freed. Trying to prove a strength you have in your weakness but that otherwise express. Circumstances with the money flowing, but do not complement the dissatisfaction that has grown over time but try to replace it.


when creating a new world from the ashes. Every time you fall you have the chance better and starting. Perspectives that change when you start to see things differently. Someone who lies and does not want to accept it.


profound changes and transformations. Really materialized something that seems incredible. Strong spiritual connection with someone died. Communication with women representing a very important meeting. Association will not be advantageous in any material respect but in the aspect of public relations.


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